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Addressing Indigenous Data Sovereignty in #Digital Ecosystem: Insights from Space4Innovation

Diana Mastracci was invited to contribute to the mapping of the top 20 priorities for building a #DigitalEcosystem for the planet in 2020, led by David Jensen, Head of the Environmental Peacebuilding Programme at UN Environment. In her contribution, she emphasizes the importance of incorporating Indigenous Data Sovereignty in data policy as the world moves towards open data and big data.

Mastracci notes that the current movement towards #OpenData and #BigData raises fundamental questions about #Indigenous data ownership, representation, and control. As the data revolution accelerates, Indigenous groups around the world are increasingly concerned about poor data practices and misuse of Indigenous data. To address these issues, it is essential to work with Indigenous Peoples and incorporate Indigenous Knowledge in the digital ecosystem.

Space4Innovation invites readers to join the discussion and provide input to improve the mapping, emphasizing the importance of incorporating Indigenous Knowledge in the digital ecosystem. You can read the article here.


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